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Lifelong Learning Resources and Childrens Books



Thousand Year War in the Mideast

$17.95 $14.35
(You save $3.60)

Thousand Year War in the Mideast

$17.95 $14.35
(You save $3.60)

Product Description

The Thousand Year War in the Mideast is a concise European/Mideast history course. Learn about the Russians, Serbs, Croats, the Balkans, Kosovo, the Ottoman and Mongol empires, Turkey, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, Russia, Oman, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Kurdistan, and more.

The events of the Thousand Year War have been the cause of great shocks to our economy and investment markets, including: the oil embargoes, the Iranian hostage crisis, the Iraq-Kuwait war, and the Caucasus Wars over the Caspian Sea oil basin, and the September 11th attack. These shocks are likely to remain so for decades to come.

Forewarned is forearmed. You must understand where this Thousand Year War war is leading to manage your career, business and investments, as well as to reach an informed opinion regarding U.S. involvement in Mideast affairs.


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