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Currency - All prices are in AUD

Currency - All prices are in AUD
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Lifelong Learning Resources and Childrens Books




Q: How can I view the status of my order? 
A: Go to the Customer Service, Account Information page. This page lists all your orders. Click the date of the order whose status you wish to view.

Q: What are your shipping costs? 
A: U.S. customers can view an estimate of shipping costs by viewing your cart.  However, final shipping costs will be displayed on the Invoice you see before confirming your order.  International customers can email the order to for a shipping quote.

Q: How do I order my "One free book with every $50 you purchase"?
A: First, click on the category labeled "*One Free Book With Every $50 You Purchase*." Then add the appropriate number of free books to your cart based on your order total i.e. $50 = 1 free book, $100 = 2 free books, etc. Finally, go to your cart, select "proceed to checkout," and complete the checkout process. 

*the computer will not limit the number of free books added to your cart, however, we will only send one per $50.