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Lifelong Learning Resources and Childrens Books



Conquering Cursive (Right Hand)


Conquering Cursive (Right Hand)


Product Description

Write-On Handwriting's Conquering Cursive Paper Workbook teaches letter formation through easy-to-understand directions. Students construct letters on writing lines that serve as start and stop points. The underlying principle is motor memory. The pattern of each letter is demonstrated to students in the appropriate context - on writing lines. The associated drills provide students with the opportunity to commit these patterns to memory and so acquire the motor skills necessary to write proficiently.

The workbook includes an instructor manual at the beginning - four pages of handwriting tips, lesson plans and useful hand and finger exercises for students. The heart of the workbook consists of 96 step-by-step activity pages that teach cursive. Letters are introduced in groups according to their initial pencil stroke. For example, the "curve" sequence is similar in the letters "o" and "d". By grouping letters of the same basic pattern, the workbook reinforces important spatial and sequential themes, thus facilitating the acquisition of the necessary motor memory.



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