Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science 3rd Edition Notebook
Apologia Exploring Creation with General Science 3rd Edition Notebook
Product Description
The General Science Student Notebook Includes:
- Daily Lesson Plan
- Breakdown of the assignments, detailing exactly what needs to be done each day
- Pages where the student takes notes. These pages include prompts to help teach the student how to pull out
pertinent information from the text
- Space to answer the On Your Own questions that are listed in each module
- Space to record their results from the many hands-on activities
- Creation Connection pages where students record their intellectual, emotional, and spiritual reactions to what they
are learning
- Space to record answer to the On Your Own questions. These questions serve as review and prep for the tests
Note taking is a learned skill. While it might seem like there should be “answers” to questions and prompts found in the student notebook, we do not provide specific answers on purpose. The best way to take notes is the way that works for the student. That’s why the Student Notebook introduces the student to several methods for taking notes. At the beginning of each module in their Student Notebooks, students are encouraged to take mindful notes using techniques that expand as the school year progresses.